NOTE: Up to now there is no real discrepancy between the "leaks" and the photos / information we received via other channels. This can change any time when new information gets available - but everything we know at this moment can be combined into one coherent picture.
And this is what it could look like:
Episode 1 / Jeremy Podeswa
- Opening scene: The army of the dead is marching towards the wall
- Bran and Meera reach the Wall, they meet Dolorous Edd
- Jon, Sansa and Lyanna discuss how to deal with the Northern lords who betrayed the Starks
- Last scene: Dany's fleet lands at Dragonstone, Dany & Tyrion enter the castle and occupy Stannis' old battle room
Episode 2 / Mark Mylod
- Dany summons all lords of Westeros to pledge allegiance to her
- Jon and Davos decide to follow this call to Dragonstone (partially because of the need for dragonglass), Sansa (as Lady of Winterfell) and Ghost stay back in Winterfell
- *Arya kills the Frey sons using Walder's face (or Episode 1)
- * Euron destroys Yara's fleet and captures her, Theon can escape (or Episode 3)
- *Euron kills Ellaria and sandsnake (or Episode 3)
- *Lannister armies sack Highgarden, Olenna drinks poison in front of Jaime (or Episode 3)
Episode 3 / Mark Mylod
- Jon and Davos arrive at Dragonstone and are received by Tyrion, Missandei and Dothraki
+ Photos from Zumaia 24.10. including Mark Mylod - Jon and Davos have their first encounter with a dragon
+ Photos from Gaztelugatxe 22.10. - Jon and Dany meet in the Throne Room and discuss bending the knee and the white walker threat
- Bran and Meera arrive at Winterfell, Meera leaves to return home
- Arya meets Nymeria on her way North
- *Lannister army returns with gold / food from Highgarden, is ambushed on
the way and destroyed by Dany's forces of Dothraki and dragons, the big
battle includes Jaime and Bronn (or Episode 4)
(+ Mark Mylod was seen scouting the Malpartida area)(+ Photos from Cáceres 17.11. including Mark Mylod)
Episode 4 / Matt Shakman
- *Lannister army returns with gold / food from Highgarden, is ambushed on
the way and destroyed by Dany's forces of Dothraki and dragons, the big
battle includes Jaime and Bronn (or Episode 3)
(+ Photos from Trujillo 15.11. including Matt Shakman)
+ L7R reports the scene being from Ep. 4 and directed by Shakman - Arya arrives at Winterfell
- *Brienne and Arya are sparring (or Episode 5)
- Theon arrives in Dragonstone and meets Jon (or Episode 3)
+ Photos from Zumaia 25.10. - *Jon pets Drogon on Dany's return from the battle (or Episode 5)
(+ Photos from Zumaia 27.10. including Matt Shakman MAY show this) - *Dany lets Drogon burn some lords who survived the battle, including the Tarly's (or Episode 5)
Episode 5 / Matt Shakman
- Davos smuggles Tyrion into King's Landing where he has a secret meeting with Jaime / Bronn
- Davos finds Gendry in Kíng's Landing
- Davos, Tyrion and Gendry leave KL by boat
+ Photos from Muriola 19./20.10.
+ L7R reported Mark Shakman and Ep. 5 for this scene - Sam, Gilly and baby leave Oldtown for Winterfell
- Jorah returns to Dragonstone and meets Dany
+ Photos from Zumaia 28.10. - Jon receives news of Bran and Arya having returned to Winterfell
- *Jon, Jorah, Gendry leave Dragonstone by boat towards Eastwatch-by-the-Sea
+ Photos from Zumaia 26.10. including Matt Shakman

Episode 6 / Alan Taylor
- Jon, Jorah, Gendry arrive in Eastwatch-by-the-Sea
- Wight-hunting party with Jon, Jorah, Gendry, Tormund, Beric, Thoros, The Hound travels north of the wall
- Big fight with the army of the dead: A wight is caught, Thoros is killed by an ice bear, Dany shows up with her dragons and saves most of the party
- Jon stays back and is saved by Benjen who gives him his horse, Vyserion is killed
- Jon and Dany meet back in Dragonstone, where Jon pledges to Dany in a private meeting
- Last scene: Vyserion gets reanimated
Episode 7 / Jeremy Podeswa
- Sansa sentences Littlefinger to death, Arya kills him
- Bran vision: Flashback to marriage Rhaegar - Lyanna
- Sam and Bran figure out Jon's heritage (Sam remembers what Gilly read at the citadel)
- * Theon lands at Dragonstone with several Ironborn rowboats, a fight breaks out
+ Photos from Zumaia 29.10. including Jeremy Podeswa - Big meeting at the dragonpit with the captured wight (Cersei, Tyrion, Dany, Jon, Jorah, Varys, Missandei, Qyburn, Mountain, Hound). Cersei promises support in the fight against the Night's King
Jon, Dany and the Unsullied leave by fleet towards Eastwatch-by-the-Sea.Jaime leaves North after hearing that Cersei won't hold her promise
- Cersei awakens in a bed soaked with blood (her last scene)
- Jon and Dany have sex while still on the boat
- Last scene: The Night's King attacks the Wall riding an undead Vyserion who breathes blue fire, a big chunk of the wall falls down

Most scenes / episode correlations follow the u/awayforthelads leaks. Additionally
* means episode number not known exactly, assumed on fact-based speculation
+ means information from shootings, leaked photos or inside information (L7R or WotW)
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